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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Easy to Find Clients

Financial services professionals tell us that finding new business is their #1 challenge. But it's crazy. Each day, tens of thousands of people send checks to Fidelity, to Vanguard, to USAA and other financial services companies that don't even have a sales force. So there is no shortage of prospects; its that life insurance agents, annuity agents, financial advisors, stockbrokers--they mostly chase after prospects rather than pull them in, as the large companies do.

You don't need a large budget. You simply need to offer "info documents" like the large players do. For example, check out the Sunday newspaper. You will likely see some big ads offering booklets like "Three Ways to Have a Worry Free Retirement" or 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Rolling Your IRA." Fidelity, Merrill Lynch and others get thousands of calls from motivated and interested prospects. Why do you chase prospects rather than have the same method of having prospects call you?

You don't need to have thousands of dollars to advertise in the Sunday newspaper. You can use the Internet for very low cost.

Here's how we do it at Javelin Marketing